Referee physical test for the non-professional tournaments 2020: Only 1 assistant did not meet the requirement.
On the morning of 27th Feb, there were 39 referees and referee assistants of the non-professional tournament 2020 do the physical test. Finally, there was only 1 referee assistant who couldn’t pass the exam.
This test was the same format as the professional tournament 2020. This is the compulsory requirement of FIFA. The referees need to do 2 tests included: running at high speech within a distance of 40m for 6 times as the requirement; running endurance speed 75m x 40 times (have break times), and 25m walk. Meanwhile, the assistant referees have to take the tests include Coda Test, run 30m x 5 times, and the tests same as referees.
According to the evaluation of the Referee department, these referees and assistants had good preparation so the result is very good. There was only 1 assistant referee who couldn’t pass the test and cannot work at the non-professional tournaments 2020.
On the afternoon of 27th Feb, the referees and assistants continue to study about the regulation. Meanwhile, the match commissioners continue to do the contents related to skill and acknowledgment.