Football Club Social Alliance launches Online Education in Vietnam
An online education will be launched with our partners to help young adults in Vietnam adapt to the
challenged associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Supported by the Asian Football Confederation (AFC)
and in cooperation with the Vietnam Football Federation (VFF), Football for All in Vietnam (FFAV) and SOS
Children’s Villages Vietnam, the online programme will be conducted from August to October 2020.
From October 2018 to July 2019, the FCSA organised the Young Coach Education in Hue and Ben Tre in Vietnam in collaboration with different local partners and trained 33 young adults to become leaders and role models for the children and youth in their communities.
In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for our partners, Young Coaches and
their communities. The topics of the online education focus on health and wellbeing, adapting leadership skills to new challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, peer-to-peer education, mentoring and child safeguarding, educational games and coaching skills for 6-12-year-old children.
A total of 31 young adults from different regions in Vietnam, including 16 certified Young Coaches, were selected by our local partner FFAV to participate in the course. The FCSA Online Education is formed of a self-learning programme including 4 modules and 2 webinars on different topics that need to be completed in a period of 10 weeks. The online education offers the Young Coaches a learning platform, where they can further develop not only
their knowledge, but also their social skills. In addition to sensitising them to the current consequences and
problems of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Young Coaches also achieve a new level of coaching by expanding
their knowledge and focusing on the aforementioned topics. This enables coaches to adapt to the current
challenges and better prepare for the resumption of their activities.
On behalf of VFF, General Secretary Lê Hoài Anh welcomes all the coach who join into this course and believed that this course will be the good change for the coachs to gain more knowledge and still, become a part of the development of Vietnamese Football.
This course will be the good change for the coachs to gain more knowledge and still.
From October 2018 to July 2019, the FCSA organised the Young Coach Education in Hue and Ben Tre in
Vietnam in collaboration with different local partners. The education trained 33 young adults to become
leaders and role models for the children and youth in their communities. An overall evaluation of the project
showed that more than 2,000 children are now benefiting from their activities, in which football and exercise
are used to prevent various social and health relating issues such as e.g. HIV/AIDS, alcohol- or drug abuse
and discrimination.