Minister of Culture, Sport and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung sent a congratulatory letter to Men’s Futsal team

After the outstanding achievement of the Vietnam Futsal Team at the FIFA World Cup 2021 Asian play-off, on 26th May 2021, the Minister of Culture, Sport, and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung sent a congratulatory letter to the team. In the letter, he writes:

“On behalf of the Ministry, I want to congratulate the team for qualifying for the 2021 FIFA Futsal World Cup after defeat Lebanon on May 25.

It is a great honor for our spectator, especially when it is the second time we have this achievement. The success of the team comes from unity, effort, and spirit.

In this unprecedented time due to the fast-changing of COVID-19, the victory of the team affirmed the Vietnamese spirit and power when facing difficult issues.

Finally, on behalf of the Ministry, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate head coach Pham Minh Giang, coaching assistants, and all members; and wish that you will continues success in the upcoming 2-21 FIFA World Cup in Lithuania this September.

Yours sincerely,

Nguyen Van Hung

Member of the Party Executive Committee.

Minister of Culture, Sport, and Tourism

SPONSOR of National Teams